The tithes and offerings received for Our United Outreach (OUO) are used to do the work of “our” denomination. With them, we fund the programs and missions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. They are also used to to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to minister to those in prison and to spread the good news to all who would hear it.
"How does the Cumberland Presbyterian Church fund its Boards, Agencies and Ministries? Through Our United Outreach. What, exactly, is Our United Outreach? Here’s what it isn’t: It isn’t a tax, an assessment, “dues” or an apportionment. No one receives an invoice in the mail. No collector comes to your door. What we give is a voluntary natural reaction to the grace we have received."
- Rev. Cliff Hudson, Director of Development
- Rev. Cliff Hudson, Director of Development
OUO stands for Our United Outreach. It has been the name of the unified budget of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church since 1962. When Our United Outreach first began, churches were asked to give 15% of their budget minus building funds and benevolence. If they couldn’t do this, they were encouraged to begin with 5% or 10% and work up.
In 1966, each church was asked to give a recommended SHARE to Our United Outreach based on the church’s active membership, giving ability and what the church gave to Our United Outreach and to the Board of Foreign Missions in 1964. The SHARE was considered the “first mile” and other extra gifts were “second mile” giving.
In 1974, it was recorded that in 10 year’s time (1963-1973), giving to Our United Outreach had more than doubled, but fewer churches were participating.
In 1975, the General Assembly decided that “Assistance is needed from the presbyterial boards of finance and from other financial leadership in the presbyteries, to better inform our churches of the values, benefits, and effectiveness of OUO in a wider arena than any one congregation can possible have alone.”
In 1980, for the first time, a goal was set anticipating full participation of CP congregations in order to reach the goal. Prior to 1980, the goal had been set close enough to the previous years giving to fulfill the new goal.
In 1985, the General Assembly adopted a recommendation to try to simplify congregational giving to Our United Outreach. They agreed that a church would be asked to tithe or give 10% of their income to Our United Outreach. This approach to OUO giving was approved for 10 years with the intention of continuing into the foreseeable future. The tithe or 10% gift to OUO continues today. This year (2014) marks the 29th year anniversary of this approach to Our United Outreach.
How Do We Support OUO?
A portion of our church budget is designated for OUO each year, based on the giving to the church.
For additional information see OUO website.