Knox Area Rescue Ministries (KARM)
KARM’s mission is to seek to rescue the poor and needy of the Knox area by providing recovery services in Jesus’ name.
Area Served: Knoxville area
Programs We Support:
Noisy Offering - Children collect a "noisy offering" (mostly change) on 1st Sunday of each month during the church service and donate the funds to KARM to help provide meals for their clients. A meal cost about $2.
Food/Supplies Collection - Food and supplies are collected monthly in a container located in the Narthex based on the needs request from Knox Area Rescue Ministry. These needs may change each month. Check the Weekly Update for the latest information.
Baskets of Hope – For Thanksgiving, KARM distributes boxes (approximately 30 pounds) of non-perishable food and a turkey to people within the Knoxville area. Typically our church provides about 75 boxes. Individual families fill each box and provide money for the turkey.
Corners of Your Field is a partnership opportunity between local churches and Knox Area Rescue Ministries. The Corners of Your Field Program encourages attendees of our church to donate to KARM Stores. When you drop off your donations, ensure they know you are from Faith Fellowship. The stores then return a portion of the value of these items in the form of gift cards to our church so that we, in turn, can help families who come to us for help. They can use these KARM gift cards to get clothing and supplies that they need. See a video on how this works below.
KARM’s mission is to seek to rescue the poor and needy of the Knox area by providing recovery services in Jesus’ name.
Area Served: Knoxville area
Programs We Support:
Noisy Offering - Children collect a "noisy offering" (mostly change) on 1st Sunday of each month during the church service and donate the funds to KARM to help provide meals for their clients. A meal cost about $2.
Food/Supplies Collection - Food and supplies are collected monthly in a container located in the Narthex based on the needs request from Knox Area Rescue Ministry. These needs may change each month. Check the Weekly Update for the latest information.
Baskets of Hope – For Thanksgiving, KARM distributes boxes (approximately 30 pounds) of non-perishable food and a turkey to people within the Knoxville area. Typically our church provides about 75 boxes. Individual families fill each box and provide money for the turkey.
Corners of Your Field is a partnership opportunity between local churches and Knox Area Rescue Ministries. The Corners of Your Field Program encourages attendees of our church to donate to KARM Stores. When you drop off your donations, ensure they know you are from Faith Fellowship. The stores then return a portion of the value of these items in the form of gift cards to our church so that we, in turn, can help families who come to us for help. They can use these KARM gift cards to get clothing and supplies that they need. See a video on how this works below.
Coats For the Cold – We have collected coats for this campaign around the October – November time frame.
Financial Support - We support KARM by providing monetary contributions to their general fund, individually and corporately, especially at the Annual Fundraising Banquet that is held each year, usually in the Fall.
KARM Needs List
Regina Stinnett [email protected]
Angie Sledge [email protected]
How to Volunteer at KARM facilities:
The best way to begin is by attending a KARM Encounter. At the KARM Encounter, you’ll learn about the programs and services, tour the facilities, discover current volunteer opportunities, and find out exactly what to do to get started volunteering! Go to the KARM website for more information.
Financial Support - We support KARM by providing monetary contributions to their general fund, individually and corporately, especially at the Annual Fundraising Banquet that is held each year, usually in the Fall.
KARM Needs List
Regina Stinnett [email protected]
Angie Sledge [email protected]
How to Volunteer at KARM facilities:
The best way to begin is by attending a KARM Encounter. At the KARM Encounter, you’ll learn about the programs and services, tour the facilities, discover current volunteer opportunities, and find out exactly what to do to get started volunteering! Go to the KARM website for more information.